Morris Register
of South Australia
South Australia's Nuffield Motoring Club

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The "Federation" in its various titles has been serving the interests of historic motorists in South Australia since 1971.
Starting with five foundation members, it now boasts more than a hundred member clubs from all areas of the State.
Meetings are held every two months, at the Combined Car Club's rooms at Clark Ave Glandore, starting at 7.30 pm on the third Saturday of the Month. Only nominated Club Representatives are permitted to vote and put motions at these meeting, but any interested club member who wishes may attend as a visitor and be sure of a warm welcome.
Welcome to the Morris Register of Victoria website. We’re a car club which focuses on the restoration, upkeep and enjoyment of Morris vehicles of all types and ages. Focused, yes, but not obsessed. We have many members of all ages and the way we see it they are even more important to us than our prized Morris vehicles.
Please take a look around our web site. You can read more about the Morris marque. There’s more about our club, too. Check out our planned events and club meetings – visitors are most welcome. Browse our newsletters. Take in a few technical tips
The Morris Register of NSW Inc aims to promote an interest in Morris and associated marque vehicles. Its mebers are able to pool experience and assist each other with restorations, maintenance and buying and selling cars and spares.
The Morris Register of Queensland is a club formed in 1978 to encourage the preservation and use of all Morris vehicles. We are associated with the Morris Register of the United Kingdom, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and New Zealand. A large database is kept on most models and a small library is stored at Cambooya, Queensland. Morris vehicles were first built in 1913 and continued through until the late 1970s.
The Queensland Register regularly holds its meeting on a monthly run, this is normally held on the third Sunday, but does vary. The monthly magazine is published in the first week of the month and provides information such as the meeting minutes, future events, cars and parts for sale/wanted and technical articles or copies of Morris advertisements. Members are located throughout Queensland and other Australian States and own a wide variety of Morris vehicles
The Morris Register is a friendly, thriving and active club for enthusiasts of Morris vehicles (cars, vans & heavier commercials) designed before 1940. (A range of vehicles in production from 1913 until, for one model, 1953). Whether you own a vehicle in the range the club covers or simply have an interest in such vehicles, you are most welcome to join us. The club is organised into a number of British Isles and Overseas sections, so no matter where you live, you should find some degree of support and details of local/regional activities.
The Morris Register Auckland celebrated their 40th Birthday in August 2016 We like Morris cars and meet once a month for organised outings New members welcome